Audit record sheet

Audit record sheet

We all know that good clear records help get that confidence in management score up, vital to keeping that ‘5’ rating. Of course to get the score you need to show the records during an inspection. We heard stories of the right person not being available to show records during an audit and records being lost the day before an inspection. We even heard one story of a chef who was too busy to find the records for the inspector! So we decided to come up with a way to make sure records can always be found during an inspection.

ChecQR now allows direct access to temperature records from the Safer Food Better Business folder or other Haccp. A page with a special QR code for audit access is added in place of the paper record sheet, and scanning it provides direct access to a dedicated audit portal. The page can also be added to a notice board or anywhere where you’re sure an inspector will find it!

The audit portal allows all data to be viewed, but not changed or deleted. Audit access is logged and recorded, so you can see who has accessed your records and when.

ChecQR is the easiest way to get started with digital record keeping and simple integration with Safer Food Better Business means you can get going straight away.