Temperature Logging

Keeping good fridge temperature records is important. From swiftly identifying malfunctioning equipment and keeping your customers safe, to reducing energy usage; accurate and reliable readings are crucial.

Manual systems for recording fridge and freezer temperatures are comparatively cumbersome. They require logging in a book, they aren’t digitised, can be hard to check back on retroactively and can’t easily be sent to others where needed. Similarly these log books can be damaged or misplaced and it is very easy to forget to record these vital readings on busy days.

ChecQR replaces this physical log book with a digital record. A unique QR code sticker is attached to each fridge, which when scanned, automatically adds a time stamp and photo of the temperature gauge, along with a reading. For those without a temperature readout, our QR codes can be attached to a digital thermometer placed inside.

This avoids mix ups between fridges and each new entry appears on the dashboard in real time. Notifications can be delivered when readings are overdue. Extra confirmation is given when all fridges are checked, making it easy to ensure your records are complete and kept to a high standard. This is useful when trying to demonstrate to inspectors the quality of your food hygiene and safety procedures.

ChecQR is a web-based platform meaning it requires no app and will work with Android and iPhone devices.